There is not much to report, but I don't want to get in trouble with our daughter Amber for not keeping up with the Blog.
The weather is still being weird for this area, according to the weather forecasters on the TV and people who have lived here for a while. The total snowfall this year was much more than in past years and the over all lack of rain is also not normal. We have had a few days of really nice, clear skies this week, giving us a taste of what Spring will be like and how beautiful it is here. It is still getting down to 30 or lower each night, which means frost on the ground and cars left out overnight, with day time highs in the low to mid 40's, and the occasional 50 to 53.
We went to Parent/Teacher conferences last Friday at Scappoose High. The AP History and Chemistry teachers were not available, so we were able to only meet with Hanna's AP Calculus, English, and Spanish teachers (two Advanced Placement (AP) classes is really something). As with the conferences during the first trimester, Hanna's teachers love having her in class and really appreciate how hard she works in class, which shows in her A's and high B's. Several weeks ago, Hanna gave presentations at two other History classes (classes that are taught by another teacher whose History class Hanna was in last trimester) about the Holocaust in WWII. Her presentations were well received by all the students and teachers in attendance, and had a big impact on several of the students.
Last trimester, Hanna was in Spanish I, taught by Eric Carman. This trimester, Hanna has Spanish II, taught by Carol Herscovitz. Carol asked Hanna to speak to the class about American and German cultural differences. Apparently Mr. Carman heard about Hanna's presentation and asked her to speak to his Spanish II class also. When Hanna gave her presentations, she took a batch of the same wonderful cookies she made for us at Christmas to each Spanish class on paper plates, decorated with small German flags. And, of course Hanna was required to make enough cookies so that there would be sufficient cookies left at home for us too.
In a few weeks, Hanna will also be speaking to the Scappoose High students who will be going to Germany later in the Spring as part of the Scappoose High GAP program (German American Program). SHS participates in this program with a sister high school in Germany, where each year several students from the sister German high school come to SHS in the Fall for four weeks and then in the Spring selected SHS students go to the school in Germany for four weeks. Hanna's presentation to the SHS GAP kids will also be about the differences in American and German cultures to which they will be exposed. When I was in high school, I would have been terrified to give just one presentation, let alone the five or more Hanna will have given, but Hanna loves it - more power to her.
Driver's Education goes well for Hanna, except for having to be at school by 7 AM three days a week - it seems that getting up and ready for school on any given morning is not Hanna's favorite thing to do.
We are anxiously awaiting the birth of grandchild #7 (grand daughter #3). Daughter Jennifer Robertson (Springville, CA) is due with their 5th child any day now. When I talked to Jen last week, she said she sure is ready and really looks forward to not waking up pregnant each morning. I guess they have not picked out the baby's name yet.
As you know, our 23 year old grandson Aaron Robertson is in the US Marine Corps. Following graduation from Recruit Training in Nov 2007 and Advanced Training in Jan 2008, in Feb 2008, Aaron was assigned to the US Department of Defense Language Institute (DLI) in Monterey, CA, to learn Russian. Aaron has been promoted to the rank of Corporal and will graduate from DLI on Feb 26th, after which he will have a short period of Leave. After Leave is over, Aaron will report to a base in San Angelo, TX for additional training, following which he will be assigned to a base in Hawaii, and after Hawaii possibly Northern Afghanistan - but hopefully assignment to Afghanistan is still quite some time away.
On a final note, we have no idea how many grandchildren we will have by the end of 2009, as Amber and Christopher finally have a date for the embryo adoption they have been planning for some time. Next month in March, Amber and Christopher are going to San Diego, CA, where Amber will have three embryos implanted in her womb, which hopefully will result in a successful pregnancy and birth of one to three new grandchildren.
Well, I think that's it for now.