I don't have any photos of this part of the trip, cause I didn't want to get in trouble taking photos of peoples houses. Hanna had asked to see "big houses", so after we left Universal Studios, we drove to the corner of Hollywood and Highland, then west on Hollywood Blvd past the
Kodak Theater where the Academy Awards are held and
Graumans Chinese Theater, and then to Sunset Blvd. and the Sunset Strip. As we got into Beverly Hills on Sunset Blvd, we took some side streets up into the area where Hanna's "big houses" are. Most of the houses were behind gated walls, but we were able to see a few of the houses. At the end of one dead end street as I was turning around, Hanna suggested we stop, go up to the front door, ring the bell, and ask if Susie was there. She figured that would give her a chance to see inside the house. I said, "NO" and kept driving. From Sunset Blvd in Beverly Hills, we went north up Benedict Canyon to Mulholland Drive, then back east on Mulholland along the crest of the hills toward LA, to Clearwater Canyon where we turned north toward the San Fernando Valley. Back on Mulholland, Hanna had spotted a private driveway with the gate open and said we should just pull in and look around. Again, I said, "NO" and kept driving. As we drove down Clearwater Canyon we saw some huge homes on the sides of the canyon walls, many of which are partially supported by large stilt-like structures - I can't begin to imagine what their fire and earthquake insurance must be. Clearwater Canyon also brought us out of the world of the Rich and Famous and back to reality in the San Fernando Valley. I think Hanna saw the types of houses she wanted to see, and remarked that she would live in a house like that some day. Around 5:30 we finally made it back to Rob and Wilma Simpson's home in Valencia where we were staying.