There is a small woods in some undeveloped property on the west side of our house, in which live numerous birds and squirrels, and at least one skunk. There are also some neighborhood cats who think they have the right of way through all the back yards, including ours, to get to the woods. This morning, one of the black & white cats that frequent our yard came through the yard at the same time a squirrel was near the house. Before the cat could react, the squirrel ran to our back door and scrambled up the screen door to the metal door frame at the top of the doorway. He, or maybe it was a she, then started walking across the door frame, but at some point either slipped or something, cause the next thing we knew, the squirrel was hanging by his/her back feet from the tract. Apparently, his/her claws must have gotten stuck in part of the tract. He/she hung there for a couple of minutes, then all of a sudden he/she dropped to the ground and made for the woods as fast as his/her could go.
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