DeeDee and I didn't really celebrate New Years Eve, as we went to bed by 10 that night. But, Hanna did the right thing and went out with her friend Bryan for the evening and late into the early morning.
Amber, Chris, Isaac and Abigail came over New Years Day so we could celebrate Abigail's 1st birthday. Abigail's birthday is actually on Jan 6th, but we wanted to celebrate it on the 1st since Chris was scheduled to work on the 6th and we had invited the Springers to join us for New Years Day since they couldn't make it over on Christmas Day. Well, everyone showed up except for the Springers. Christina called to say that just after getting on I-84 at Hood River they spun out on the icy freeway and had decided just to go right back home, since it was not safe to be on the road.
We had fun watching Abigail try to blow out the one candle on the cupcake in front of her. She got the concept of blowing air out just fine, it was just a little misdirected. But with the help of big brother Isaac, Hanna, parents and grandparents, somehow the candle got blown out. Tom, DeeDee and Hanna really enjoyed the food also.
1 comment:
Dad, you forgot to mention the wonderful food Hanna made...it was the first and last time Chris will ever be able to enjoy it. :)
***I emailed you a picture to show Hanna's mom.
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