Our 13 year old grandson, Ian Robertson of Porterville, CA entered several events in the Porterville Fair, as he does every year.
Here is the report from our daughter Jennifer about this years successes:
Ian won Reserve best bantam duck and Reserve best waterfowl (with the same little female duck). He also won rosette ribbons for best and reserve best lightweight ducks, best and reserve best heavy ducks and best turkey (when you have the only turkey there - it wins) and took 3rd place in showmanship using a bantam drake.
He took 2 pens of meat chickens, 1 received 5th place, the other did not place. He was able to sell the 5th place pen at the auction for $100.00. Which he will be reinvesting into his poultry project for next year.
The big award this year was Junior Grand Champion for decorated cake, and yes he did decorate it by himself. His strawberry jam won a 1st place ribbon as well.
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