Amber had oral surgery to remove all four wisdom teeth on Thursday morning, Dec 3rd. DeeDee picked Isaac and Abigail up around 9:30 or so that morning and brought them to our house so we could watch them until Saturday afternoon. We had a wonderful, but very tiring - for us, three days and two nights. We really enjoy the grandkids, but occasionally they can be a handful when both want to be the center of attention, only want a toy to play with after the other picks it up, not wanting to watch the same video or program on the Sprout channel on the TV (we solved that with 3 TV's in the house), etc. Both are potty trained, so no diapers - what a blessing. For some reason Abigail didn't nap long or at all, and the lack of naps was pretty obvious by late afternoon and early evening. The weather was not wet outside, sort of strange for Oregon, but it was sooooo cold (low to mid 20's over night and not above 33 in the daytime), that playing outdoors was not really an option until Saturday afternoon. But, all in all, the four of us got along very well, as usual, and no one got hurt, well almost, Isaac did get a small cut on a toe. Abigail has decided she likes ketchup and will put it on anything, as well as eating it right off the plate a spoonful at a time. I think we have Hanna to thank for putting that into Abigail's thought process.
Thursday afternoon, Isaac and I went to a local Christmas Tree farm owned by a member of our church and we got our Christmas Tree. We put the tree up but did not decorate it. DeeDee had purchased a John Deere Tractor decoration for Isaac and an Elmo decoration for Abigail. We did put them on the tree. Isaac discovered the Elmo decoration had a battery and investigation revealed it played Elmo singing "Jingle Bells". The kids had fun dancing to Elmo singing. The next day, Abigail found what she thought was a metal box of crayons in my Den. I too thought they were crayons, but when I opened the tin for her, we discovered it was full of a monster long strand of red, white, and green beads for the Christmas Tree. We were not going to use them on the tree, but before I could put them away, Abigail took them and decided they would make a great necklace - so she had fun wearing a necklace that looked like 30 strands around her neck. Isaac turned the Living Room into a railroad yard with his wooden train set he brought from home and some of my old Lionel track and two freight cars.
On Saturday when Isaac and I finally got a chance to go outside, we (well me at his direction - and boy can he GIVE DIRECTIONS -- Amber, where did he get that from?) drew the ISK & 3S (Isaac Samuel Korenthal & Southeast Sturgeon Street) Railroad Company in chalk on the street. The trains were very busy carrying passengers and freight on the rail lines.
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