Friday, January 8, 2010

A nice Winter Day's car ride - January 8, 2010

It wasn't raining this morning, at least around 10:30 when Isaac asked if he could drive his Jeep. We thought it would be a wonderful idea to get the kids outside for a while. Abigail was so excited also because she was going to get to go for a ride in the Jeep and kept saying, "Abigail ride jeep too". It's also great exercise for us walking, or running if disaster appears imminent, while Isaac is "learning how to drive", so we all get a lot out of his driving his jeep. Isaac took his sister for a nice Winter Day's ride for about 15 or 20 minutes, until the battery started running low. He decided to take a trip down the sidewalk, which had DeeDee shouting instructions to STOP - TURN THE WHEEL several times so he would not run off the edge of the curb and fall into the street. When he finally got to the next driveway, she had him drive back into the street and there was no more sidewalk driving, at least for today.

Helping Isaac learn now to drive his Jeep and get around the street without running into anything is sure A WHOLE LOT LESS nerve wracking than last year when I was sitting in the front passenger seat of my Camry while Hanna was learning how to drive so she could take the driving test for her Oregon Driver's License.

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