The Cross Country (XC) season ended a couple of weeks ago. Hanna said she wanted to continue in an after-school sport through the rest of the Fall and into the Winter, so during the Parent-Teacher conferences three weeks ago we stopped at the Athletic Department to find out what sports were available. We were told, swimming, basketball, and wrestling. Hanna wanted no part of swimming. Can't say that I blame her. There is only one pool in all of Columbia County, and that is in St. Helens, 8 miles north of us, which means the kids would have to go on a school bus daily for practice. So that left basketball and wrestling. Hanna said she had never played basketball as a sport, but had shot baskets in Germany and did very well. She also said that since she has been involved in judo in Germany, she thought that wrestling sounded interesting.
On Monday evening at 6:30 PM when Hanna finally got home from school she said that she had decided on wrestling instead of basketball. There were 20 boys and one other girl who turned out for the first practice. There was also another girl who was going to be on the team but could not make it for the first practice. So, I guess we now have a wrestler living with us.
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