On Saturday the 15th, Hanna and I went to the World Forestry Center Museum in Portland. The museum is dedicated to the preservation of forests and woodlands throughout the world. We had fun with the interactive displays. The one I enjoyed the most was the simulation of a smoke jumper's view as you leave the airplane and try to direct your parachute to hit the target on the ground. I sat in a chair which simulated being in the chute and by pulling on the cords of the chute and adjusting for the direction of the wind, you could try to direct yourself toward a target landing site on the ground. There was an altimeter that showed your distance to the ground and it was scary when you could see how close the ground was and how far away you were still from the target. I landed within 50 meters of the target - I won't cop out on Hanna and say how she did, other than to say, she either landed way too far away to help or in the fire. Hanna also enjoyed the log cutting Timberjack simulator and sitting an an actual full scale Timberjack unit on display.
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