Saturday, Nov 1st, we helped Elijah Springer celebrate his 1st birthday. Amber's BFF Christina (Simpson) Springer and her husband Steven live in Hood River, OR, and come to Hillsboro often so Elijah (now 1) and Alora (2+) can play with their "cousins" Isaac and Abigail. Saturday afternoon, Amber called and asked if DeeDee, Hanna, and I would like to surprise Christina and meet everyone at Red Robin in Beaverton to help celebrate the birthday.
As you can see from the pictures, Grandma DeeDee is having fun helping Elijah eat his cake and later holding Abigail as Elijah explains to Abigail what it is like to be one, since Abigail won't be one until January 6th. Abigail is not quite crawling yet, but really loves to exercise her legs and stand with help. Abigail has also really taken to Hanna and has so much fun "standing" in Hanna's lap. Isaac also loves Hanna and had fun showing her how he colored the place mat.
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