Sunday, December 21, 2008

And still more snow - Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ok, enough already.   We woke up this Sunday morning to about 12" of snow on the ground.   There has been no wind, so there are no drifts, just snow, with about 1/2 inch of ice crusted on the top. Jason from across the street and Lindsay from next door helped us shovel the driveway and part of the sidewalk clean.  Jason was going house to house helping everyone at least clear their driveways.    We knew yesterday that we would not be able to get out to go to church today and are resigned to being "snow bound", at least for a little while.    We did get out Friday around 3:30 to drive the 8 miles to St. Helens to do some final Christmas shopping at WalMart, and of course, since we were in St. Helens and it was 5:30 by the time we finished shopping, we JUST HAD TO GO TO BURGERVILLE for hamburgers (Hanna's favorite food in the world is the Burgerville Tillamook Cheeseburger, without pickles).

It started snowing as we left for St. Helens Friday at 3:30 and did not quit until around 11 PM Saturday night.   We woke up to the scenes in the photos - Grandma's Park in our back yard, which is really out of commission for a while; our neighbor's car in front of his house; and a view of down the street.   My car, in the photo below, sits in a snow bank in front of the house and the poor rose bush, seen in the lower right of the photo of my car, which we transplanted from Valencia, has a coating of ice on all the branches and what leaves were left.

Poor Hanna.   She so wanted it to snow, but now that we are snow bound, Hanna is more than ready for it to all go away so she can get out and see some of her friends.    Bryan was supposed to come by so they could go out, but he can't get here and we can't get there.    No one here can remember weather like this in the past 15 to 20 years, with so much continual snow and it staying without melting.    It started snowing, fairly heavily, again about an hour ago and may snow off and on through Christmas.   Our only concern is that the three families coming for Christmas dinner may not be able to travel.   We think Amber, Chris, Isaac, and Abigail may be able to get here with the guests they are bringing, but Christina, Steven, Alora and Elijah may not be able to get here from Hood River, 60 miles away.

So, since we are retired:  let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.


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